Micro ring hair extensions

Keratin Glue Hair Extension

Revamp International is a leading hair extension company that offers high-quality keratin glue hair extensions. Our team of trained professionals can help you achieve a seamless and natural-looking result that can last for several months.

With Revamp International, you can trust that your hair extensions will be properly installed and cared for, providing you with beautiful and long-lasting results. So if you’re looking for the best hair extension in Delhi, Mumbai, Ghaziabad, Noida, or any other city, consider Revamp International for a premium experience.

Benefits Of Keratin Glue Hair Extension

Natural look

Keratin glue hair extensions are designed to blend in with your natural hair. The keratin protein adhesive used to attach the extensions is clear and virtually invisible, giving you a natural look.


Keratin glue hair extensions can last for up to six months with proper care and maintenance. This is much longer than other types of hair extensions, which typically last for two to three months.


Keratin glue hair extensions can be styled just like your natural hair. You can curl, straighten, or blow-dry them, and they will hold their shape. This makes them a versatile option for those who want to switch up their look frequently.

Easy to maintain

Keratin glue hair extensions require minimal maintenance. You can wash and style them as you would your natural hair, and they do not require any special products or treatments.

After/Before Transformation

Best hair extension in Delhi