Micro ring hair extensions

Micro Ring Hair Extension

Micro ring hair extensions are the best of hair extension techniques in the industry today! In this course, we use tiny copper rings in order to blend the hair extension with your natural hair in such a way that one would not be able to tell the difference! Micro ring hair extensions are one of the favorites of people who want to get hair extensions done! 

Benefits Of Micro Ring Hair Extension

No Heat or Glue Required

Micro ring hair extensions use small, silicone-lined rings to attach the extensions to your natural hair. This means that no heat or glue is needed, which can be damaging to your natural hair. The rings are also easy to remove, so you don’t need any harsh chemicals to take them out.

Natural Looking

Because micro ring hair extensions are attached to small sections of your natural hair, they blend in seamlessly and look more natural than other types of extensions. This means that you can wear your hair up or down without anyone noticing that you’re wearing extensions.


Micro ring hair extensions can last up to 3-4 months with proper care, which is longer than many other types of extensions. They also require less maintenance than other types of extensions, which means you can enjoy your new look without spending a lot of time or money on upkeep.

After/Before Transformation